Project Management Suite
Project management is a fundamental skill in our modern workforce, as it ensures that what is being delivered is not only right, but that it also delivers against the business opportunity. This short course is designed to cover the basic principles of managing projects to help plan, control and organise activities to ensure that participants are delivering successful projects every time.The course is offered five times per year and each course runs over two online sessions offering a sponsor reach across variety of councils and roles within council.
Eligibility to sponsor
Financial LGPro Corporate Partner
Project Management Suite
Initiation Project Management course
Advanced Project Management course
February - December 2025
Delegate profile
Managers, coordinators, team leaders and officers.
Sponsorship benefits
- A4 advertisement in Profile magazine (winter & summer editions)
- Acknowledgement and your logo on the website, course materials, program advertising
- Acknowledgement in LGPro’s fortnightly enews (circulation 13,000+)
- Opportunity to display banner at each session and verbal acknowledgement
- Sponsor can distribute material to participants consenting participants